"When Melle Mel dropped the Message they thought it was just a novelty
But when they heard BDP, PE, and PRT, they became afraid of the possibilities
So they ripped rap off the air and gave it a public castration
And then returned it to its people as a impotent duplication"
From The Book of Born Free...The Wisdom of Djezuz Djonez
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Djezuz Djonez quote of the day #1
"A few hundred people get Swine Flu and everybody scrambles for protection
A few million people get A.I.D.S and we still won't cover our erections
We're so ass backwards I'm starting to believe the hype
No wonder a lot death bed prayers are rejected out of spite"
From The Book of Born Free...The Wisdom of Djezuz Djonez 2010
A few million people get A.I.D.S and we still won't cover our erections
We're so ass backwards I'm starting to believe the hype
No wonder a lot death bed prayers are rejected out of spite"
From The Book of Born Free...The Wisdom of Djezuz Djonez 2010
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Culture Freedom (PRT) DESTROYS NyOil in cooking battle!!!!

Ladies and Gentlemen we welcome you all to the Official Hip Hop Chef Supremacy Battle!!!
Culture Freedom of the Legendary Poor Righteous Teachers has just shut Nyoil's (aka Kool Kitten of the UMC's aka "U-MC's-Can't Cook!") kitchen down for extreme and gross code violations!!! Check out the video below to see how Culture's Culinary Expertise exposed the rust on the self proclaimed Iron Chef's brand new Jack Tripper steak knives.
Poor Righteous Teachers Culture Freedom Ends NYOIL's Career as Self Proclaimed Iron Chef from INTELLIGENT SEEDZ on Vimeo.
For more information about The Official Hip Hop Chef Supremacy Battles contact Intelligent Media @ intelligentmuzik@yahoo.com / 484-472-3745
Friday, November 13, 2009

SUPPORT, SUPPORT, SUPPORT! I have about 3000 friends on FaceBook, 55,000 on Myspace and over 1,400 people following us on Twitter. Can we show some solidarity and ECONOMIC INTEGRATION by donating as little as $1 (yes, ONE DOLLAR) to a NECESSARY WORK/MOVEMENT? HERE IS THE LINK to DONATE to our Intelligent Seedz and WILDSEED FILMS projects: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=9111018
Online Payment
If I tagged you, please repost and / or PASS THIS NOTE ONTO OTHERS!
Many of you on Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, etc have asked how you can assist our Intelligent Seedz / Wildseed Films in our artistic endeavors...and expressed interest in supporting our film / video projects in any way you could.
Well, here's your chance!
We are in the process of shooting our next short documentary film "Out of Our Right Minds, Depression and the Black Woman"..which will be released on January 1, 2010. As with most independent film productions, we are in need of funds to assist us in completing this film.
We are asking that you take the time to donate, at least $5.00 to the Wildseed Films fundraising campaign. Each and every penny you donate will go toward the production of this film.
We are offering a fundraising incentive... For those who donate $100.00 or more, you will receive a FREE professionally designed WEBSITE!
Check out http://www.wildseedstudios.com/portfolio.htm to see examples of our web work...
and http://www.wildseedstudios.com, http://www.intelligentseedz.org and
http://www.vimeo.com/intelligentseedz to see examples of our film / video / editing work.
Production Update: On yesterday, Sunday November 8, 2009 we were honored with the opportunity to interview Dr. Joy Degruy, a nationally and internationally renowned researcher, educator, author and presenter who wrote the MUST read book and study guide, Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome. For more information you can visit her website http://www.joydegruy.com/index.html
Dr. Leary discussed the state of the black family, and specific to this film, black women and the ways in which healing must begin to occur. It was a profound interview and experience and we're honored to have her as a part of this project!
Wildseed Films presents... Coming 01/01/10
"Out of Our Right Minds, Depression and the Black Woman"
Directed by: S.Muhammad
Edited by: S.Muhammad & R.H. Bless
Music by: Masada, T.Taylor and R.H. Bless
Marketing and Promotion: C. Wharton
For more information about booking Wildseed Films for screenings / lectures / panels, etc. please contact Intelligent Media @ 484-472-3745.
Click the link below to DONATE NOW to the Wildseed Films Fundraising Campaign!!!!
Thanks to all of you for your continued support!
or visit http://www.wildseedstudios.com
Monday, October 5, 2009
EXCLUSIVE: Obama agrees to keep Israel's nukes secret

EXCLUSIVE: Obama agrees to keep Israel's nukes secret
By Eli Lake (The Washington Times)
President Obama has reaffirmed a 4-decade-old secret understanding that has allowed Israel to keep a nuclear arsenal without opening it to international inspections, three officials familiar with the understanding said.
The officials, who spoke on the condition that they not be named because they were discussing private conversations, said Mr. Obama pledged to maintain the agreement when he first hosted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the White House in May.
Under the understanding, the U.S. has not pressured Israel to disclose its nuclear weapons or to sign the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), which could require Israel to give up its estimated several hundred nuclear bombs.
Israel had been nervous that Mr. Obama would not continue the 1969 understanding because of his strong support for nonproliferation and priority on preventing Iran from developing nuclear weapons. The U.S. and five other world powers made progress during talks with Iran in Geneva on Thursday as Iran agreed in principle to transfer some potential bomb fuel out of the country and to open a recently disclosed facility to international inspection.
Mr. Netanyahu let the news of the continued U.S.-Israeli accord slip last week in a remark that attracted little notice. He was asked by Israel's Channel 2 whether he was worried that Mr. Obama's speech at the U.N. General Assembly, calling for a world without nuclear weapons, would apply to Israel.
"It was utterly clear from the context of the speech that he was speaking about North Korea and Iran," the Israeli leader said. "But I want to remind you that in my first meeting with President Obama in Washington I received from him, and I asked to receive from him, an itemized list of the strategic understandings that have existed for many years between Israel and the United States on that issue. It was not for naught that I requested, and it was not for naught that I received [that document]."
The chief nuclear understanding was reached at a summit between President Nixon and Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir that began on Sept. 25, 1969. Avner Cohen, author of "Israel and the Bomb" and the leading authority outside the Israeli government on the history of Israel's nuclear program, said the accord amounts to "the United States passively accepting Israel's nuclear weapons status as long as Israel does not unveil publicly its capability or test a weapon."
There is no formal record of the agreement nor have Israeli nor American governments ever publicly acknowledged it. In 2007, however, the Nixon library declassified a July 19, 1969, memo from national security adviser Henry Kissinger that comes closest to articulating U.S. policy on the issue. That memo says, "While we might ideally like to halt actual Israeli possession, what we really want at a minimum may be just to keep Israeli possession from becoming an established international fact."
Mr. Cohen has said the resulting policy was the equivalent of "don't ask, don't tell."
The Netanyahu government sought to reaffirm the understanding in part out of concern that Iran would seek Israeli disclosures of its nuclear program in negotiations with the United States and other world powers. Iran has frequently accused the U.S. of having a double standard by not objecting to Israel's arsenal.
Mr. Cohen said the reaffirmation and the fact that Mr. Netanyahu sought and received a written record of the deal suggest that "it appears not only that there was no joint understanding of what had been agreed in September 1969 but it is also apparent that even the notes of the two leaders may no longer exist. It means that Netanyahu wanted to have something in writing that implies that understanding. It also affirms the view that the United States is in fact a partner in Israel's policy of nuclear opacity."
Jonathan Peled, a spokesman for the Israeli Embassy in Washington, declined to comment, as did the White House National Security Council.
The secret understanding could undermine the Obama administration's goal of a world without nuclear weapons. In particular, it could impinge on U.S. efforts to bring into force the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty and the Fissile Material Cutoff Treaty, two agreements that U.S. administrations have argued should apply to Israel in the past. They would ban nuclear tests and the production of material for weapons.
A Senate staffer familiar with the May reaffirmation, who asked not to be named because of the sensitivity of the issue, said, "What this means is that the president gave commitments that politically he had no choice but to give regarding Israel's nuclear program. However, it calls into question virtually every part of the president's nonproliferation agenda.The president gave Israel an NPT treaty get out of jail free card."
Daryl Kimball, executive director of the Arms Control Association, said the step was less injurious to U.S. policy.
"I think it is par for the course that the two incoming leaders of the United States and Israel would want to clarify previous understandings between their governments on this issue," he said.
However Mr. Kimball added, "I would respectfully disagree with Mr. Netanyahu. President Obama's speech and U.N. Security Council Resolution 1887 apply to all countries irrespective of secret understandings between the U.S. and Israel. A world without nuclear weapons is consistent with Israel's stated goal of achieving a Middle East free of weapons of mass destruction. Obama's message is that the same nonproliferation and disarmament responsibilities should apply to all states and not just a few."
Israeli nuclear doctrine is known as "the long corridor." Under it, Israel would begin to consider nuclear disarmament only after all countries officially at war with it signed peace treaties and all neighboring countries relinquished not only nuclear programs but also chemical and biological arsenals. Israel sees nuclear weapons as an existential guarantee in a hostile environment.
David Albright, president of the Institute for Science and International Security, said he hoped the Obama administration did not concede too much to Israel.
"One hopes that the price for such concessions is Israeli agreement to the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty and the Fissile Material Cutoff Treaty and an acceptance of the long-term goal of a Middle East weapons-of-mass-destruction-free zone," he said. "Otherwise, the Obama administration paid too much, given its focus on a world free of nuclear weapons."
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Born Free Quote of the Day...
Saturday, October 3, 2009
R.I.P. Mr. Magic
Thursday, October 1, 2009
http://www.intelligentseedz.org /
http://www.vimeo.com/intelligentseedz / http://inthehereafter.blogspot.com
http://www.intelligentseedz.org /
http://www.vimeo.com/intelligentseedz / http://inthehereafter.blogspot.com
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Check out the clips below from their reunion show @ BB Kings on 9/25/09
Check out the clips below from their reunion show @ BB Kings on 9/25/09
Monday, September 28, 2009

I've been getting a lot of requests to re-post the same Intelligent Muzik book list that we put out in 2007...
We're going to update this list with some new and incredible must haves but in the meantime here ya go...
This list isn't in any particular order cuz we buy them as we go...If you don't see your favorite joint on our list, don't trip just add on!
Get @ us
“Wise Intelligent”
The Wretched of the Earth by Frantz Fanon
The Confessions of Nat Turner by William Styron
A People’s History of The United States by Howard Zinn
Why Should White Guys Have All the Fun? By Reginald Louis/Blair Walker
The New World Order by Ralph Epperson
The Emerging Police State by William M. Kunstler
Shadows of Power “America’s Hidden Oligarchy” by James Perloff
Dark Majesty by Texxe Marrs
Conspirators Hierarchy by Dr. John Coleman
The Two Babylon’s by Rev. Alexander Hislop
Surviving Global Slavery (Living Under the New World Order) by Robert k. Spear
Think Free To Live Free by Claire Wolfe
Holy Blood, Holy Grail by Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh & Henry Lincoln
The Messianic Legacy by Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh & Henry Lincoln
The Thirteenth Tribe by Author Koestler
The Iceman Inheritance by Michael Bradley
The Lost Tribes A Myth by Professor Allen Godbey
The Valley of the Dry Bones by Rudolph R. Windsor
From Babylon to Timbuktu by Rudolph R. Windsor
Culture Bandits by Del Jones
The Secret Relationship between Blacks and Jews by the N.O.I.
The Scramble for Africa by Thomas Pakenham
They Stole It But They Must Return It by Dr. Richard Williams
The Stolen Legacy by George G.M. James
Did God Make Them Black? By Isaac O. Olaleye
The Black Holocaust by Del Jones
Nature Knows No Color Line by J.A. Rogers
The River by Edward Hooper
Bad Blood: The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment by James H. Jones
Chemical and Biological Warfare by Steven Rose
The Debt; What America Owes to Blacks by Randall Robinson
Population and Development by Eamonn Keane
Countering the Conspiracy to Destroy Black Boys (vol. 1, 2 and 3) by Jawanza Kunjufu
Critical Issues in Educating African American Youth by Jawanza Kunjufu
Motivating and Preparing Black youth for Success by Jawanza Kunjufu
To Be Popular or Smart: The Black Peer Group by Jawanza Kunjufu
Black Students/Middle Class Teachers by Jawanza Kunjufu
Black Enterprise Guide to Investing by James A. Anderson
Ordinary People, Extraordinary Wealth by Ric Edelman
All You Need to Know About the Music Business by Donald S. Passman
Starting and Running a Profitable Investment Club by Thomas E. O’Hara/Kenneth S. Janke Sr.
Capitalism; the Unknown Idea by Ayn Rand
Heal Thyself for Health and Longevity by Queen Afua
The Crazy Makers: How the Food Industry Is Destroying Our Brains and Harming Our Children by Carol Simontacchi
Seize The Time by Bobby Seale
No More Prisons by William Upski Wimsatt
The Rise and Fall of Great Powers by Paul Kennedy
The Life and Times of Cesar Borge by Raphael Sabatini
“Born Free”
Rich Dad Poor Dad by…Robert T. Kiyosaki
The Prophet by...Khalil Gibran
The SANKOFA Movement: ReAfrikanization and the Reality of War by…Kwame Agyei & Akua Nson Akoto
The Hiphop Driven Life by…Arnett Kale Powell & Adebayo “Bayo” Alabi Olorunto
Blueprint for Black Power by…Amos N. Wilson
NationBuilding (Theory & Practice in Afrikan Centered Education) by…Kwame Agyei Akoto
Our Criminal Society (The Social and Legal Sources of Crime in America) by...Edwin M. Schur
Two Thousand Seasons by…Ayi Kwei Armah
The West and the Rest of Us by…Chinweizu
The Culture of Terrorism by…Noam Chomsky
Ruminations by... KRS ONE
Who Needs The Negro? by…Sidney M. Wilhelm
Agents Of Repression (The FBI’s Secret Wars Against the Black Panther Party & the American Indian Movement by…Ward Churchill and Jim Vander Wall
Parable of the Sower by…Octavia E. Butler
Challenge of the Congo by…Kwame Nkrumah
Beginnings of Learning by…J Krishnamurti
A Higher Form Of Killing by…Robert Harris and Jeremy Paxman
Salvation: Black People and Love by…Bell Hooks
African World Revolution (Africans at the Crossroads) by…John Henrik Clarke
Blaming The Victims by…Edward W. Said & Christopher Hitchens
The Chi Kung Way by…James Macritchie
Power Edited by…Steven Lukes
Black Skin, White Masks by…Frantz Fanon
Rhythm & Business Edited by…Norman Kelley
Pragmatism Edited by.....Louis Menand
The Education of the Negro by…Dr. Carter Godwin Woodson
An Ordinary Person’s Guide To Empire by…Arundhati Roy
The Alchemist by…Paulo Coelho
The Art Of War For Executives by…Donald G. Krause
Rules For Radicals by…Saul D. Alinsky
Eyes To My Soul (The Rise or Decline of a Black FBI Agent) by…Tyrone Powers
Economic Democracy by…J.W. Smith
The Historical Jesus and the Mythical Christ by…Gerald Massey
How To Master The Art Of Selling by…Tom Hopkins
Message to the Blackman by…The Hon. Elijah Muhammad
How to Eat to Live (1 & 2) by…The Hon. Elijah Muhammad
Yurugu (An African-Centered Critique Of European Cultural Thought and Behavior) by…Marimba Ani
The Race (Matters Concerning Pan Afrikan History, Culture, and Genocide) Edited by...Kiarri T-H. Cheatwood
The Rebirth of African Civilization by...Chancellor Williams
Age of Propaganda (The Everyday Use and Abuse of Persuasion) by…Anthony Pratkanis & Elliot Aronson
Orgasms (How to Have Them, Give Them, and Keep Them Coming) by…Lou Paget
Sexual Secrets (The Alchemy Of Ecstasy) by…Nik Douglas & Penny Slinger
Black-On-Black Violence (The Psychodynamics of Black Self-Annihilation in Service of White Domination) by…Amos N. Wilson
The Dancing Wu Li Masters (An Overview of The New Physics) by…Gary Zukav
Seat of the Soul by....Gary Zukav
MDW NTR: Divine Speech by…Jacob H. Carruthers
The Hero With A Thousand Faces by…Joseph Campbell
The Miseducation of the Black Child by…Nathan Hare & Julia Hare
The 48 Laws of Power by…Robert Greene
Striking Thoughts by…Bruce Lee
Trauma and Recovery by…Judith Herman, MD
The New Nuclear Danger by…Helen Caldicott
The Culture Of Fear by…Barry Glassner
Christianity Before Christ by…John G. Jackson
Weapons Of Mass Deception by…Sheldon Rampton & John Stauber
The Mafia Manager (A Guide To The Corporate Machiavelli) by…V.
Mercy, Mercy Me (The Art, Loves & Demons of Marvin Gaye) by…Michael Eric Dyson
The Compassion Box by…Pema Chodron
The Wu-Tang Manual by...The RZA
The Reflexive Universe by…Arthur M. Young
How Europe Underdeveloped Africa by…Walter Rodney
Death At An Early Age by…Jonathan Kozol
Guerrilla Publicity by…Jay Conrad Levinson, Rick Frishman, and Jill Lublin
Who is the King of Glory by…Alvin Boyd Kuhn
Think and Grow Rich (A Black Choice) by…Dennis Kimbro and Napoleon Hill
Intelligent Muzik
It's NO LONGER Smart to be DUMB!
Friday, September 11, 2009
The Poor Righteous Teachers & Organized Konfusion @ B.B. Kings! 9/25/09
The Poor Righteous Teachers will be in New York rocking alongside Organized Konfusion (Pharoahe Monch & Prince Po) Friday, September 25th @ B.B. Kings!
B.B. King Blues Club & Grill
237 West 42 St.
New York, NY 10036
Doors open @ 10:00 pm
Now if that wasn't enough...
Stacey Muhammad/Wildseed Films...I AM SEAN BELL, black boys speak will be screening at the 12th Annual Reel Sisters of the Diaspora Film Festival & Lecture Series 2009
Organized by African Voices Magazine and Long Island University,
Brooklyn Campus
September 26-27, 2009 - Kumble Theater for the Performing Arts
The film will be screened on Sunday, September 27th, 2009 /
Section IV Unnecessary Violence @ 2:30 PM.
Stay tuned for more information on a possible additional screening and moderated discussion with young boys...(details coming soon)
Click on link below to read Stacey Muhammad's latest interview http://www.thebloomeffect.com/blog
http://www.wildseedstudios.com http://www.vimeo.com/wildseed http://www.reelsisters.org/home.htm
Also check out this quote from "The Book of Born Free...The Wisdom of Djezuz Djonez"
"Stagnant knowledge is wickedness at work
It might make you feel intelligent but it will get you critically hurt
If you don’t put your thoughts in motion they will decay your mind
And reading all those books will amount to a tremendous waste of time"
Born Free
To book Wise Intelligent (solo), The Poor Righteous Teachers, and Wildseed Films contact Born Free @ 484-472-3745 / intelligentmuzik@yahoo.com
To make a donation to Intelligent Seedz (http://www.intelligentseedz.org ) You can also check out the official trailer "Dying to Learn" (The Effects of Lead on Inner City Children) This documentary was directed and edited by a group of Intelligent Trenton School Children...
You can follow Wise Intelligent & Wildseed Films on twitter @ http://www.twitter.com/wiseintelligent / http://www.twitter.com/wildseedfilms
It's NO LONGER Smart to be DUMB!
The Poor Righteous Teachers will be in New York rocking alongside Organized Konfusion (Pharoahe Monch & Prince Po) Friday, September 25th @ B.B. Kings!
B.B. King Blues Club & Grill
237 West 42 St.
New York, NY 10036
Doors open @ 10:00 pm
Now if that wasn't enough...
Stacey Muhammad/Wildseed Films...I AM SEAN BELL, black boys speak will be screening at the 12th Annual Reel Sisters of the Diaspora Film Festival & Lecture Series 2009
Organized by African Voices Magazine and Long Island University,
Brooklyn Campus
September 26-27, 2009 - Kumble Theater for the Performing Arts
The film will be screened on Sunday, September 27th, 2009 /
Section IV Unnecessary Violence @ 2:30 PM.
Stay tuned for more information on a possible additional screening and moderated discussion with young boys...(details coming soon)
Click on link below to read Stacey Muhammad's latest interview http://www.thebloomeffect.com/blog
http://www.wildseedstudios.com http://www.vimeo.com/wildseed http://www.reelsisters.org/home.htm
Also check out this quote from "The Book of Born Free...The Wisdom of Djezuz Djonez"
"Stagnant knowledge is wickedness at work
It might make you feel intelligent but it will get you critically hurt
If you don’t put your thoughts in motion they will decay your mind
And reading all those books will amount to a tremendous waste of time"
Born Free
To book Wise Intelligent (solo), The Poor Righteous Teachers, and Wildseed Films contact Born Free @ 484-472-3745 / intelligentmuzik@yahoo.com
To make a donation to Intelligent Seedz (http://www.intelligentseedz.org ) You can also check out the official trailer "Dying to Learn" (The Effects of Lead on Inner City Children) This documentary was directed and edited by a group of Intelligent Trenton School Children...
You can follow Wise Intelligent & Wildseed Films on twitter @ http://www.twitter.com/wiseintelligent / http://www.twitter.com/wildseedfilms
It's NO LONGER Smart to be DUMB!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
The Book of Born Free...The Wisdom of Djezuz Djonez
Born Free of Intelligent Muzik is set to release his debut book entitled, "The Book of Born Free...The Wisdom of Djezuz Djonez" on September 21st 2009.
This dynamic book of poetical quotes and verses will lay down the foundation and bring you up to speed on who and what "The UNCONKABLE Djezuz Djonez" is all about, and why he is so necessary at this critical juncture in our history.
Born Free has touched on many controversial subjects ranging from The Stop Snitchin Campaign, Barack Obama, The Economy, Poverty, The School System, Youth Violence, Racism, Education, War, Sex, Love, Leadership, Activism, Friendship, Responsibility, Hip Hop, and Spirituality.
"The Book of Born Free" is BOLD in its approach and is a complete breath of fresh air in this corrupt era of weak rhymes, stereotypical novels, and bankrupt ideas. This book is an assault on the status quo and an indictment against this systems attempt to dumb us all down, so that we can be a group of blind and obedient sheep 2 stepping and back bitting our way to the slaughter.
"The Book of Born Free" is a rallying cry and harbinger that has been sent forth to announce the coming of Wise Intelligent's next chapter in his 7 CD "Back To School" Box Set.
"Wise Intelligent Iz...The UNCONKABLE Djezuz Djonez" will be a watershed moment in Hiphop and draw the line in the sand and make it known beyond a shadow of a doubt that, "It's NO LONGER Smart to be DUMB!"
Born Free has decided to give this magnificent collection of quotes and verses away for free as a PDF download. It will be available at http://www.intelligentmuzik.com / http://inthehereafter.blogspot.com
For interviews, panel discussions, and/or features on Born Free, please contact intelligentmuzik@yahoo.com / 484-472-3745.
It's NO LONGER Smart to be DUMB!
Born Free of Intelligent Muzik is set to release his debut book entitled, "The Book of Born Free...The Wisdom of Djezuz Djonez" on September 21st 2009.
This dynamic book of poetical quotes and verses will lay down the foundation and bring you up to speed on who and what "The UNCONKABLE Djezuz Djonez" is all about, and why he is so necessary at this critical juncture in our history.
Born Free has touched on many controversial subjects ranging from The Stop Snitchin Campaign, Barack Obama, The Economy, Poverty, The School System, Youth Violence, Racism, Education, War, Sex, Love, Leadership, Activism, Friendship, Responsibility, Hip Hop, and Spirituality.
"The Book of Born Free" is BOLD in its approach and is a complete breath of fresh air in this corrupt era of weak rhymes, stereotypical novels, and bankrupt ideas. This book is an assault on the status quo and an indictment against this systems attempt to dumb us all down, so that we can be a group of blind and obedient sheep 2 stepping and back bitting our way to the slaughter.
"The Book of Born Free" is a rallying cry and harbinger that has been sent forth to announce the coming of Wise Intelligent's next chapter in his 7 CD "Back To School" Box Set.
"Wise Intelligent Iz...The UNCONKABLE Djezuz Djonez" will be a watershed moment in Hiphop and draw the line in the sand and make it known beyond a shadow of a doubt that, "It's NO LONGER Smart to be DUMB!"
Born Free has decided to give this magnificent collection of quotes and verses away for free as a PDF download. It will be available at http://www.intelligentmuzik.com / http://inthehereafter.blogspot.com
For interviews, panel discussions, and/or features on Born Free, please contact intelligentmuzik@yahoo.com / 484-472-3745.
It's NO LONGER Smart to be DUMB!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Stacey Muhammad/Wildseed Films Presents..."A Child is Born / A LOVE Story"
Stacey Muhammad/Wildseed Films Presents...
"A Child is Born / A LOVE Story"
I was blessed with the opportunity to film the birth of a beautiful baby girl, Maasai Amor Crumel Hurt, born to parents Byron Hurt and Kenya Crumel.
Byron and Kenya are beautiful to say the least and I'm honored to have been apart of this beautiful experience!
Maasai Amor Crumel Hurt
August 4, 2009
11:15 pm
7lb. 7oz.
Directed by Byron Hurt, Kenya Crumel and Maasai Amor Crumel Hurt
Co Directed, Shot & Edited by Stacey Muhammad
Still photos by Saddi Khali
Nas Warrior Song
Fertile Ground, Star People
MASSAI Tribal Song
For more information about Stacey Muhammad/Wildseed Films hit up...
"A Child is Born / A LOVE Story"
A CHILD IS BORN / The Birth Of Baby Maasai from Stacey Muhammad on Vimeo.
I was blessed with the opportunity to film the birth of a beautiful baby girl, Maasai Amor Crumel Hurt, born to parents Byron Hurt and Kenya Crumel.
Byron and Kenya are beautiful to say the least and I'm honored to have been apart of this beautiful experience!
Maasai Amor Crumel Hurt
August 4, 2009
11:15 pm
7lb. 7oz.
Directed by Byron Hurt, Kenya Crumel and Maasai Amor Crumel Hurt
Co Directed, Shot & Edited by Stacey Muhammad
Still photos by Saddi Khali
Nas Warrior Song
Fertile Ground, Star People
MASSAI Tribal Song
For more information about Stacey Muhammad/Wildseed Films hit up...
intelligent seedz,
wise intelligent
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
I AM SEAN BELL, black boys speak by Stacey Muhammad

black boys speak
A Short Form Documentary from Wildseed Films
Directed by Stacey Muhammad
Asst. Directed by Shomari Mason
Edited by: Stacey Muhammad & R.H. Bless
Principal Photography: May 17, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Running Time 10:30
I AM SEAN BELL, black boys speak from Stacey Muhammad on Vimeo.
On November 25, 2006, undercover NYPD officers fired at least 50 rounds of bullets into a car carrying three UNARMED men of African American and Latino decent; killing one, SEAN BELL and seriously wounding two others. Bell age 23 was scheduled to be married on that fateful day.
Three of the five detectives involved in the shooting went to trial on charges ranging from manslaughter to reckless endangerment. All were found not guilty.
The incident has sparked fierce criticism of the NYPD as the city faces yet another murder of an unarmed African American man at the hands of those expected to protect and serve.
“I AM SEAN BELL, black boys speak” is a short form documentary from Wildseed Films that highlights the voices of young black boys between the ages of 11 and 13 years old growing up in New York City.
They speak openly and honestly about their reaction to the Sean Bell tragedy as well as their fears and hopes as they approach manhood in a city where the lives of young black men are often cut short, too often, and too soon.
About the filmmaker:
Stacey Muhammad is an award winning independent filmmaker and activist committed to using the power of media to educate, enlighten and empower humanity.
Her first film, “A Glimpse of Heaven, The Legacy of the Million Man March”, screened at the Reginald F. Lewis Museum in Baltimore, MD in 2005 and received rave reviews.
Since that time, the New Orleans, LA native has relocated to Brooklyn, NY and begun the work of documenting and preserving Hip Hop culture through film and digital media. Her projects include several short form documentaries including, "I AM SEAN BELL, black boys speak" as well as "Self Construction: Recording session in honor of a movement".
Stacey is currently working with other artist, filmmakers and activist whose mission it is to document our history, preserve our culture and tell our own stories.
Her latest film, "Out of Our Right Minds, The Rise of Mental Illness amongst Black Women",
is slated to be released in April 2009.
intelligent seedz,
wise intelligent
Monday, August 17, 2009
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Saturday, August 1, 2009
The Pazzion Girlz & Wise Intelligent (Get the Lead Out!) Video
The Pazzion Girlz, Intelligent Seedz, Wildseed Films, and Wise Intelligent have linked up to get the word out about the unsafe lead levels in our drinking water.
Click the following link to watch the video "Get the Lead Out!".... http://www.vimeo.com/5870603
The "Get the Lead Out!" Song, Video/PSA, and Campaign is designed to help raise your awareness about this silent killer in our community! The Pazzion Girlz and Intelligent Seedz have stepped up and on the frontlines to let you know what really going on in our schools.
"Get the Lead Out!" is from the upcoming soundtrack and documentary "Dying to Learn" (The Effects of Lead on Inner City School Children) directed, produced, and edited by Intelligent Seedz...
For more information about the Pazzion Girlz and Intelligent Seedz go to http://www.site.pazziongirlz.com/ http://www.intelligentseedz.org
It's very important for you to remember that when you support Intelligent Muzik you are supporting your Intelligent Seedz, and making it possible for us to continue this very necessary and essential work. Log onto http://www.intelligentseedz.org and http://www.intelligentmuzik.com and make a donation buy purchasing Wise Intelligent's incredible catalog of music. We also have Intelligent Seedz T-Shirts for sale as well.
For booking, interviews, sponsorship, and features, please contact Born Free at intelligentmuzik@yahoo.com / 484-472-3745
You can follow Wise Intelligent and Wild Seed Films on twitter... http://twitter.com/wiseintelligent / http://twitter.com/wildseedfilms
Intelligent Seedz "Young People...Documenting Reel Life, One Frame at a Time"
Monday, July 27, 2009
Wise Intelligent Speaks @ The Art of Conversation in Baltimore
Wise Intelligent Speaks @ Ethepoetemcee's The Art of Conversation in Baltimore 2009
WISE INTELLIGENT from Stacey Muhammad on Vimeo.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Wise Intelligent Falsely Arrested!!!

Wise Intelligent Falsely Arrested!
On Wednesday, July 8th I got out of bed feeling a little bit better than good! IntelligentSeedz were finally going to interview Mr. Rodney Lofton - Superintendent of Trenton Public Schools. We were happy that we had been granted the interview and it was finally about to happen. Mr. Lofton is a magnanimous brother with a lot of knowledge to offer our youth film makers on the subject of high lead levels in schools as well as what's being done to correct the problem.
You can check out a clip of our Intelligent Seedz upcoming documentary "Dying to Learn" (The Effect of Lead on Inner City School Children) http://www.intelligentseedz.org
So, I do the normal run through go over the punch list of things needed for the shoot, make sure all of the children are up, waiting and ready to go. We arrive at the Board of Education, the youth set up and conduct the interview (big shout to Ra'Ees, Ibreania and Kai yall held it down with a three youth crew, they missed you Amir and Megan). Everything was great, interview went well, superintendent Rodney Lofton was nothing short of informative, well knowledgeable on the subject and he also allowed the seedz to interview Mr. Everett Collins - Director of Buildings and Grounds for Trenton Public School district.
We completed the shoot, wrapped up and got on our way; mission accomplish, I'm ecstatic. After dropping the seedz off I hurry to make a studio session scheduled for 1:30pm with Kal and Bizz p.k.a. AD (Angels to some Devils to most). Get there we breeze through the track like professionals, everybody's happy...we exchange pounds, handshakes and hugs and I'm on my way to my place in Trenton. At this point I'm looking for my Ice Cube cd because TODAY is A GOOD DAY!
Driving down Chestnut St. (One block from my gate), I stop at the light. This is when Diamond - a friend, good brother and Hip Hop/reggae drummer for many established and local artist, myself included - jogs over to the car. He asks me "what's up", said he hadn't seen me around in a while, I tell him "my numbers still the same, give me a holla!" He reaches into the car window we shake hands, in the usual long drawn-out way brothers do, he walks off, the light turns green I pull off.
Less than two minutes later I'm turning on to my street. I begin to park and this is when the Ice Cube Good Day lyrics and melody begin to grind to a dead-batteries in ya boom box halt. As good as my day was going I'm now being chirped to pull over by the TAC Unit (fancy name for COPS), at the moment I am parking! I mean in mid park, they put the Cherries on, chirp me so I stop about 18 inches from the curb.
They jump out of their cruiser briskly, the male officer rushing up to my driver side window, while his partner a female officer maneuvers towards my passenger side window with her hand on her firearm.
My windows were already down, so he comes up and asks "do you have license?" To which I reply "absolutely." Then he asked "do you have vehicle registration?" To which I again replied in the affirmative "absolutely!" He asked if they were valid, again my reply was "absolutely!" After giving him my valid license, registration and insurance cards, he asked "do you have guns or drugs in the car?"To which I replied ABSOLUTELY NOT!" I asked him "what is the reason I'm being stopped?" I'm just parking in front of my home, he didn't answer the question. Instead he asked..."Who was the guy you were talking to on the corner back there?" To which I reply "someone I know...why?" To which he replied "get out of the car!" I ask him "why..what did you stop me for?" Again he asked me to get out of my car...again I asked why? This time he answered "because I said so!" To which I said "so I'm expected to just do whatever you say no matter what?" To which he replied.."basically!" So, I got out of the car (complete cooperation, although I still haven't been told why I've been pulled over?). He asks me to go to the back of my car. Next, he ask me to put my hands on the back of my car and I did so.
At this point he's patting me down. Then he walks away to search in the driver side of my vehicle? His partner is searching in the bushes up the block where I had just driven past and in the bushes I was now parked in front of (my neighbor's yard basically). The male cop comes back and continues patting me down, checking my pockets.
So, I turn around slightly gazing under my right arm pit, both hands still on my car, and ask "am I being arrested?" And this A-hole of an officer says "now you're being arrested for ASSAULT ON AN OFFICER!"???? Am I crazy or did he just say I'm being arrested for assault on an officer? Yep, assault on an officer I never touched, disrespected, raised my voice to or challenged in any way?
So he handcuffed me they put me in the cruiser and took me down to the precinct. But before we got to the precinct I asked "so, let me get this straight, you arrested me for assault on an officer?" Now, the arresting officer says to me "do you want to be arrested for assault on an officer?" I'm thinking, is this a trick question? So I respond "absolutely not!" This is when he says "you don't have any warrants, traffic violations, etc., so we'll take you down, they'll give you a couple tickets and a summons and let you go!" OOOO..K? I'm thinking "tickets for what..a summons for what?" I've done absolutely nothing???
So, I ask him again.."what are you arresting me for?" This time he says "for obstructing an investigation?" At this point I'm just dumb, none of this shit makes since? I ask him "what investigation? And who are you investigating...me?" To which he says "yes!" Investigating me my ass! This is a familiar case of over aggressive police work turned harassment! Nothing more, nothing less!
These two Tactical Unit officers thought they had witnessed a drug transaction when Diamond (the drummer), came to my window at the light. We exchanged words, he reached into the window to shake my hand and they thought we exchanged more than salutations!
They followed me to my block, stopped me, searched all the bushes up the street for the distance I had traveled thinking maybe I threw drugs out of my car window!?!?! When they realized I was not a drug dealer that had somehow out witted them, but a married father of two, a youth organization director and co-founder without any warrants, prior arrests, traffic or parking violations they felt just a little disappointed! This disappointment lead them in their arrogance and abuse of power and authority to make up all kinds of BS to charge me (an apparently innocent civilian) with some kind of violation?
Please understand me. I can accept being pulled over because the officer suspected I may have been trafficking, selling or distributing drugs. However, at the moment it is realized that's not the case, send me on my way..you don't even have to apologize! But, don't, after discovering you were wrong, treat me like I am in effect a "drug dealer" who just happened to outwit you this time!
I am a youth advocate, not a drug dealer, drug user, gangbanger, or criminal. I know many people in Trenton, I grew up here since I was two years old! Trenton is only 7.5 square miles, everybody knows everybody! I went to school with, grew up with and I am friends with lawyers, judges, doctors, nurses, police officers, firemen, garbage men, government workers, rappers, city workers, school teachers, principals, businessmen, politicians, activist and yes, gangbangers, convicts, drug addicts, etc. The good, the bad, and the ugly...I AM TRENTON!
An apparent part of the problem is that the arresting officers ARE NOT TRENTON! They didn't grow up here, they do not know the people. It's hard to have lived in the 7.5 square mile box that is Trenton and not know me, what I do and or what I'm about! I've been the same ole me for years!
Is this what the justice system is? Arresting innocent people on bogus charges knowing most will want to avoid court, missing work and paying for attorneys. So, get them to plea bargain to the lesser tickets and or summons while dropping other charges? Most people take this "deal" to avoid court, attorney fees and possibly more fines, even though they're innocent! This is extortion, intimidation and abuse of power in the worse way!
Nearly half Trenton's population are "minorities" living somewhere below or at the poverty-line and cannot afford to pay their basic household bills let alone bogus tickets, summons and citations. Not to mention missing days from work to go to arraignments and trials! So, they pay "the lesser" of the fines knowing they are guilty of absolutely nothing at all. This is an oppressive system and that's saying the least! With all the educated people local and state governments have on its payroll I'm sure they can figure out a better way to raise money rather than arresting obviously innocent civilians and charging them with violations they did not commit!
Nonetheless, my GOOD DAY gone astray, turned into two tickets and a summons for Obstructing an Investigation that carries a $1000 fine and up to 6 months in prison!?!? Needless to say I plead NOT GUILTY to all charges and my day in court is August 28th of this year...I'll keep you posted!
You can leave all your comments and thoughts on my Facebook page (I'm under Timothy Taylor) and my twitter spot... http://twitter.com/wiseintelligent
Thank you in advance for all your support!
Wise Intelligent
new jersey,
the hereafter,
wise intelligent
Friday, July 10, 2009
Wise Intelligent in Baltimore on Friday, July 31st @ The Sankofa Center

Baltimore GET READY!
Wise Intelligent will be in Baltimore on Friday, July 31th @ The Sankofa Center!
The Sankofa Center
2901 Druid Park Drive
Baltimore, MD 21215
The show will be hosted by The Love Peace Project
Doors open @ 8:00 pm
For more information on Wise Intelligent's promo tour hit up...
http://inthehereafter.blogspot.com You can also check out the official trailer "Dying to Learn" (The Effects of Lead on Inner City Children) This documentary was directed and edited by a group of Intelligent Trenton School Children...
To make a donation to Intelligent Seedz (http://www.intelligentseedz.org ) hit up...
www.intelligentmuzik.com and purchase Wise Intelligent's incredible and classic catalog... We also have Intelligent T-Shirts for sale as well.
You can follow Wise on twitter @ http://twitter.com/wiseintelligent
It's NO LONGER Smart to be DUMB!
intelligent muzik,
intelligent seedz,
wise intelligent
Saturday, July 4, 2009
INTELLIGENTNEWZNET...Intelligent Seedz shooting Pazzion Girlz video...GET THE LEAD OUT!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Wise Intelligent will be in Atlanta on Saturday, July 4th @ The Foreign Exchange Cafe!

Atlanta GET READY!
Wise Intelligent will be in Atlanta on Saturday, July 4th @ The Foreign Exchange Cafe!
Foreign Exchange Cafe
658 Whitehall Street (West End)
Atlanta, Georgia
Wise will be rockin along side... Ekundayo, Leogoetz, A. Leon Craft, Sol Messiah, Khalilah, Mojo Swagger
The show will be hosted by Professor Griff (Public Enemy) and UNO The Prophet
Music provided by DJ Life
Doors open @ 9:00 pm
For more information on Wise Intelligent's promo tour hit up...
http://inthehereafter.blogspot.com You can also check out the official trailer "Dying to Learn" (The Effects of Lead on Inner City Children) This documentary was directed and edited by a group of Intelligent Trenton School Children...
To make a donation to Intelligent Seedz (http://www.intelligentseedz.org ) hit up...
www.intelligentmuzik.com and purchase Wise Intelligent's incredible and classic catalog... We also have Intelligent T-Shirts for sale as well.
You can follow Wise on twitter @ http://twitter.com/wiseintelligent
It's NO LONGER Smart to be DUMB!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Wise Intelligent in NEW YORK on Sunday June 21st @ Webster Hall

Wise Intelligent will be performing in New York on Sunday (6/21/09) @
Webster Hall
125 West 11th Street
Between 3rd & 4th Avenue
New York, NY
Wise will be rockin along side... Scienz of Life, Angelz Inc, and Megabone
The show will be hosted by J.A.G. Media Featuring Bless Roxwell
Music provided by the one and only... DJ Chela
Doors open @ 9:00 pm
For more information on Wise Intelligent's promo tour hit up...
http://inthehereafter.blogspot.com You can also check out the official trailer "Dying to Learn" (The Effects of Lead on Inner City Children) This documentary was directed and edited by a group of Intelligent Trenton School Children...
To make a donation to Intelligent Seedz (http://www.intelligentseedz.org ) hit up...
www.intelligentmuzik.com and purchase Wise Intelligent's incredible and classic catalog... We also have Intelligent T-Shirts for sale as well.
You can follow Wise on twitter @ http://twitter.com/wiseintelligent
It's NO LONGER Smart to be DUMB!
intelligent seedz,
new york,
the hereafter,
wise intelligent
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Wise Intelligent & KRS One will be in Philly on Saturday June 13th

Philly get ready!
Wise Intelligent will be performing with KRS One in Philly on Saturday (6/13/09) @
Club Polaris
460 N. 9th St... (9th & Spring Garden)
Philadelphia PA
The show will be hosted by the one and only...Roxanne Shante
Doors open @ 7:00 pm
For more information on Wise Intelligent's promo tour hit up...
http://inthehereafter.blogspot.com You can also check out the official trailer "Dying to Learn" (The Effects of Lead on Inner City Children) This documentary was directed and edited by a group of Intelligent Trenton School Children...
To make a donation to Intelligent Seedz (http://www.intelligentseedz.org ) hit up...
www.intelligentmuzik.com and purchase Wise Intelligent's incredible and classic catalog... We also have Intelligent T-Shirts for sale as well.
You can follow Wise on twitter @ http://twitter.com/wiseintelligent
It's NO LONGER Smart to be DUMB!
Monday, June 1, 2009
Wise Intelligent will be performing in Washington DC on Friday 6/05/09

Washington get ready!
Wise Intelligent will be in Washington on Friday (6/05/09) @ the
Almaz Restaurant and Lounge
1212 U Street NW
Washington DC
Everything starts @ 10:00 pm
Wise will be rocking also side...
Syn the Villain
Mr. Seifu
Hueman Prophets
DJ Earth 1ne will be on the 1's & 2's
Hosted by Enoch The Prophet
For more information on Wise Intelligent's promo tour hit up...
http://inthehereafter.blogspot.com You can also check out the official trailer "Dying to Learn" (The Effects of Lead on Inner City Children) This documentary was directed and edited by a group of Intelligent Trenton School Children...
To make a donation to Intelligent Seedz (http://www.intelligentseedz.org ) hit up...
www.intelligentmuzik.com and purchase Wise Intelligent's incredible and classic catalog... We also have Intelligent T-Shirts for sale as well.
You can follow Wise on twitter @ http://twitter.com/wiseintelligent
It's NO LONGER Smart to be DUMB!
Friday, May 29, 2009
INTELLIGENT SEEDZ PRESENTS...Dying to Learn (The Effects of Lead on Inner City Children) Video Trailer
Intelligent Muzik and Wildseed Films Proudly Presents...
Dying to Learn (The Effects of Lead on Inner City Children)
Dying to Learn, the Effects of Lead on Inner City Children is the first documentary short film produced by the youth media group, INTELLIGENTSEEDZ, set to be released in July. For more information visit http://www.intelligentseedz.org
IntelligentSeedz youth-media organization teaches middle and high school students the craft of filmmaking, music video and television production. Students are taught specialized techniques, skills and cutting edge film technology from a curriculum that has been specifically designed by award winning independent filmmaker Stacey Muhammad.
IntelligentSeedz is the result of a merger between Intelligent Kidz Inc.,a Trenton, NJ based youth media organization, founded by Timothy Taylor (p.k.a.Wise Intelligent) and Wildseed Films an award winning independent film company.
IntelligentSeedz objective is to give at risk youth the necessary skill- set to tell their unique stories through film. Our goal is to create artists who will revolutionize the quality and the integrity of future multi-media entertainment by using their talents to promote the greater social good. From their first day, our students will be immersed in the world of film production.
Through our commitment to increase the visibility of socially conscious youth media, IntelligentSeedz will submit projects to national and international film festivals, film screenings & television channels.
Our numerous connections to the entertainment industry will also give our students the opportunity to work with established talent and showcase their work to top industry professionals.
It's very important for you to remember that when you support Intelligent Muzik you are supporting your Intelligent Seedz, and making it possible for us to continue this very necessary and essential work. Log onto http://www.intelligentmuzik.com and make a donation buy purchasing Wise Intelligent's incredible catalog of music. We also have Intelligent T-Shirts for sale as well.
For more information about Wise Intelligent, Wild Seed Films, and Intelligent Seedz hit up... http://www.intelligentseedz.org / www.intelligentmuzik.com / www.inthehereafter.blogspot.com / http://www.vimeo.com/channels/wildseedfilms
For booking, interviews, sponsorship, and features, please contact Born Free at intelligentmuzik@yahoo.com / 484-472-3745
You can follow Wise Intelligent and Wild Seed Films on twitter... http://twitter.com/wiseintelligent / http://twitter.com/wildseedfilms
Intelligent Seedz "Young People...Documenting Reel Life, One Frame at a Time"
Intelligent Muzik and Wildseed Films Proudly Presents...
Dying to Learn (The Effects of Lead on Inner City Children)
DYING TO LEARN, The Effects of Lead Poisoning on Young People in Inner City Schools from Stacey Muhammad on Vimeo.
Dying to Learn, the Effects of Lead on Inner City Children is the first documentary short film produced by the youth media group, INTELLIGENTSEEDZ, set to be released in July. For more information visit http://www.intelligentseedz.org
IntelligentSeedz youth-media organization teaches middle and high school students the craft of filmmaking, music video and television production. Students are taught specialized techniques, skills and cutting edge film technology from a curriculum that has been specifically designed by award winning independent filmmaker Stacey Muhammad.
IntelligentSeedz is the result of a merger between Intelligent Kidz Inc.,a Trenton, NJ based youth media organization, founded by Timothy Taylor (p.k.a.Wise Intelligent) and Wildseed Films an award winning independent film company.
IntelligentSeedz objective is to give at risk youth the necessary skill- set to tell their unique stories through film. Our goal is to create artists who will revolutionize the quality and the integrity of future multi-media entertainment by using their talents to promote the greater social good. From their first day, our students will be immersed in the world of film production.
Through our commitment to increase the visibility of socially conscious youth media, IntelligentSeedz will submit projects to national and international film festivals, film screenings & television channels.
Our numerous connections to the entertainment industry will also give our students the opportunity to work with established talent and showcase their work to top industry professionals.
It's very important for you to remember that when you support Intelligent Muzik you are supporting your Intelligent Seedz, and making it possible for us to continue this very necessary and essential work. Log onto http://www.intelligentmuzik.com and make a donation buy purchasing Wise Intelligent's incredible catalog of music. We also have Intelligent T-Shirts for sale as well.
For more information about Wise Intelligent, Wild Seed Films, and Intelligent Seedz hit up... http://www.intelligentseedz.org / www.intelligentmuzik.com / www.inthehereafter.blogspot.com / http://www.vimeo.com/channels/wildseedfilms
For booking, interviews, sponsorship, and features, please contact Born Free at intelligentmuzik@yahoo.com / 484-472-3745
You can follow Wise Intelligent and Wild Seed Films on twitter... http://twitter.com/wiseintelligent / http://twitter.com/wildseedfilms
Intelligent Seedz "Young People...Documenting Reel Life, One Frame at a Time"
Friday, May 22, 2009
Wise Intelligent will be in Washington on Sunday (5/24/09)

Washington get ready!
Wise Intelligent will be in Washington on Sunday (5/24/09) @
African Liberation Day
The Carlos Rosario Charter School
1100 Harvard Street
Washington DC. 2009
Everything starts @ 9:00 am
For more information on Wise Intelligent's promo tour hit up...
To make a donation to Intelligent Seedz (http://www.intelligentseedz.org ) hit up...
www.intelligentmuzik.com and purchase Wise Intelligent's incredible and classic catalog... We also have Intelligent T-Shirts for sale as well.
You can follow Wise on twitter @ http://twitter.com/wiseintelligent
It's NO LONGER Smart to be DUMB!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Wise Intelligent will be in Minneapolis tonight 5/21/09 @ The Red Sea Bar

Minneapolis get ready!
Wise Intelligent will be in Minneapolis tonight (5/21/09) @
The Red Sea Bar
320 Cedar Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55454
Doors open promptly @ 8:30 pm
Wise will be rockin along side...
Black Spade
Wize Guyz
Boodah Blaou
DJ Mix-Well DJ SP
For more information on Wise Intelligent's promo tour hit up...
To make a donation to Intelligent Seedz (http://www.intelligentseedz.org ) hit up...
www.intelligentmuzik.com and purchase Wise Intelligent's incredible and classic catalog... We also have Intelligent T-Shirts for sale as well.
You can follow Wise on twitter @ http://twitter.com/wiseintelligent
It's NO LONGER Smart to be DUMB!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Wise Intelligent will be in Chicago tomorrow night (5/20/09)

Chicago get ready!
Wise Intelligent will be in Chicago tomorrow night (5/20/09) @
The Dark Room
2210 W. Chicago Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60622
Doors open promptly @ 9:00 pm
Wise will be rockin along side...
Black Spade
Boodah Blaou feat. Way of Man
There will be an Art Show featuring Slang...
For more information on Wise Intelligent's promo tour hit up...
To make a donation to Intelligent Seedz (http://www.intelligentseedz.org ) hit up...
www.intelligentmuzik.com and purchase Wise Intelligent's incredible and classic catalog... We also have Intelligent T-Shirts for sale as well.
You can follow Wise on twitter @ http://twitter.com/wiseintelligent
It's NO LONGER Smart to be DUMB!
Friday, May 15, 2009
Wise Intelligent & WildSeed Films Presents... INTELLIGENT SEEDZ

Intelligent Muzik and Wildseed Films Proudly Presents...
IntelligentSeedz youth-media organization teaches middle and high school students the craft of filmmaking, music video and television production. Students are taught specialized techniques, skills and cutting edge film technology from a curriculum that has been specifically designed by award winning independent filmmaker Stacey Muhammad.
IntelligentSeedz is the result of a merger between Intelligent Kidz Inc., a Trenton, NJ based youth media organization, founded by Timothy Taylor (p.k.a.Wise Intelligent) and Wildseed Films an award winning independent film company.
IntelligentSeedz objective is to give at risk youth the necessary skill- set to tell their unique stories through film. Our goal is to create artists who will revolutionize the quality and the integrity of future multi-media entertainment by using their talents to promote the greater social good. From their first day, our students will be immersed in the world of film production.
Through our commitment to increase the visibility of socially conscious youth media, IntelligentSeedz will submit projects to national and international film festivals, film screenings & television channels.
Our numerous connections to the entertainment industry will also give our students the opportunity to work with established talent and showcase their work to top industry professionals.
It's very important for you to remember that when you support Intelligent Muzik you are supporting your Intelligent Seedz, and making it possible for us to continue this very necessary and essential work. Log onto http://www.intelligentmuzik.com and make a donation buy purchasing Wise Intelligent's incredible catalog of music. We also have Intelligent T-Shirts for sale as well.
For more information about Wise Intelligent, Wild Seed Films, and Intelligent Seedz hit up... http://www.intelligentseedz.org / www.intelligentmuzik.com / www.inthehereafter.blogspot.com / http://www.vimeo.com/channels/wildseedfilms
For booking, interviews, sponsorship, and features, please contact Born Free at intelligentmuzik@yahoo.com / 484-472-3745
You can follow Wise Intelligent and Wild Seed Films on twitter... http://twitter.com/wiseintelligent / http://twitter.com/wildseedfilms
Intelligent Seedz "Young People...Documenting Reel Life, One Frame at a Time"
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Obama reverses course on alleged prison abuse photos

Obama says detainee abuse photos not 'sensational'
By JENNIFER LOVEN, AP White House Correspondent – 28 mins ago
WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama says the detainee abuse photos he wants to block from release are "not particularly sensational" and would do no good if published. He said he will not tolerate abuse of prisoners. But he also said Wednesday he had directed his legal team to fight the court-ordered release of the photos because he was concerned about how they might affect the safety of U.S. troops.
Obama spoke on the South Lawn of the White House, not long after his decision to fight in court to block the photos' release was made public by aides.
THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. Check back soon for further information. AP's earlier story is below.
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama will try to block the court-ordered release of hundreds of photos showing U.S. troops allegedly abusing prisoners, reversing his position after military commanders warned the graphic images could stoke anti-American sentiment and endanger soldiers.
The pictures are said to show mistreatment of detainees at locations in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The White House announced Obama's decision Wednesday, after top military commanders in the two wars expressed fears that showing the pictures could put their troops at higher risk.
When photos emerged in 2004 from the infamous U.S.-run Abu Ghraib prison, showing grinning U.S. soldiers posing with detainees — some of the prisoners naked, some being held on leashes — the pictures caused a huge anti-American backlash around the globe, particularly in the Muslim world.
The administration said last month it would not fight a court order that the photos be released by May. 28. But Obama informed his legal team last week that he did not feel comfortable with the release, concerned they would inflame tensions in Iraq and Afghanistan and make the U.S. mission in those two wars more difficult, said White House press secretary Robert Gibbs.
Military commanders' concerns are most intense with respect to Afghanistan. The release would coincide with the spring thaw that usually heralds the year's toughest fighting there — and as thousands of new U.S. troops head into Afghanistan's volatile south.
The effort to keep the photos from becoming public represented a sharp reversal from Obama's repeated pledges for open government, and in particular from his promise to be forthcoming with information that courts have ruled should be publicly available.
As such, it was sure to invite criticism from people, including more liberal segments of the Democratic Party, that want a full accounting — and even redress — for what they see as the misdeeds of the Bush administration.
Federal appeals judges had ruled, in a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union, that the photos should be released. The Justice Department had concluded that further appeal would probably be fruitless.
Last month, Gibbs said the president had concurred with Justice's conclusion, though without commenting on whether Obama would support the release if not pressed by a court case.
Thus, the Obama administration assured a federal judge that it would turn over the material by May 28, including one batch of 21 photos and another of 23 images. The government also told the judge it was "processing for release a substantial number of other images," for a total expected to be in the hundreds.
Gibbs emphasized that the president continues to believe that the actions depicted in the photos should not be excused and supports the investigations, prison sentences, discharges and other punitive measures that have resulted from them.
He said the new decision does not contradict Obama's promises of transparency, since details about investigations into the abuse are available on the Pentagon's Web site. "The notion that somehow you don't know about these investigations because you haven't seen the photos doesn't make any sense," he said.
However, the ACLU quickly lambasted Obama's move.
"The decision to not release the photographs makes a mockery of President Obama's promise of transparency and accountability," said ACLU attorney Amrit Singh, who had argued and won the case before the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New York. "It is essential that these photographs be released so that the public can examine for itself the full scale and scope of prisoner abuse that was conducted in its name."
On Capitol Hill, the top Senate Republican welcomed the change. A military group also said it was relieved, because it feared terrorists would use the pictures as a recruiting tool.
"These photos represent isolated incidents where the offending servicemen and women have already been prosecuted," said Brian Wise, executive director of Military Families United. "There is no good that can come from releasing these photos."
The reactions were a reverse of what happened after Obama's decision last month to release documents that detailed brutal interrogation techniques used by the CIA against terror suspects. Those also came out in response to an ACLU lawsuit, and his decision then invited harsh and still-continuing criticism from Republicans.
This time he's kicking the decision back into court, where his administration still may be forced into releasing the photos.
Indeed, there is some evidence that the administration has little case left.
Gibbs said the president instructed administration lawyers to challenge the photos' release based on the national security implications. He said that argument was not used before.
"The president does not believe that the strongest case regarding the release of these photos was presented to the court," he said.
But the Bush administration already argued against the release on national security grounds — and lost.
"It is plainly insufficient to claim that releasing documents could reasonably be expected to endanger some unspecified member of a group so vast as to encompass all United States troops, coalition forces, and civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan," the three-judge appeals panel wrote in September 2008.
The court also has already rejected another argument Gibbs made, that the photos add little of value to the public's understanding of the issue. "This contention disregards FOIA's central purpose of furthering governmental accountability," the appeals court panel concluded in the same decision.
Obama's own Jan. 21 memorandum on honoring the Freedom of Information Act also takes a different line than the administration did on Wednesday. "The government should not keep information confidential merely because public officials might be embarrassed by disclosure, because errors and failures might be revealed, or because of speculative or abstract fears," it said.
The president informed Gen. Ray Odierno, commander of U.S. troops in Iraq, of his decision during a White House meeting on Tuesday.
Gen. David Petraeus, the senior commander for both wars, had also weighed in against the release, as had Gen. David McKiernan, the outgoing top general in Afghanistan.
Defense Secretary Robert Gates said he had once held the view that it might be best to "go through the pain once" and release a large batch of images now, since so many are at issue in multiple lawsuits. But he — and the president — had a change of heart when Odierno and McKiernan expressed "very great worry that release of these photographs will cost American lives," Gates said before the House Armed Services Committee.
"That's all it took for me," Gates said.
Associated Press writers Anne Gearan, Devlin Barrett, Lara Jakes and Pauline Jelinek contributed to this report.
It's NO LONGER Smart to be DUMB!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Wise Intelligent's promo tour begins tomorrow in Trenton New Jersey...
Wise Intelligent's promo tour begins tomorrow in Trenton New Jersey...
Friday, May 8th
Phoenix (Maxine's 2)
120 S. Warren St.
Trenton, New Jersey
9 PM - midnight
21 and over. NO COVER
Thursday, May 14th
Jus Words
Dowlings Palace
1310 N. Broad St.
Phila., Pa 19121
Wednesday, May 20th
The Darkroom
2210 W. Chicago Avenue
Chicago, IL 60622
(773) 276-1411
Thursday, May 21st
The Red Sea Bar
316 Cedar Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55454
Friday, May 22nd
St. Louis
Saturday, May 23rd
African Liberation Day
1100 Harvard Street
Washington DC. 2009
Friday, June 5th
Almaz Restaurant & Lounge
1212 U Street NW
Washington, DC. 20009
Doors at 10. Show starts at 11
Ladies free b4 11. Fellas $10 b4 11
Saturday, June 13th
The Club Polaris
452-468 N.9th Street
(9th & Spring Garden)
Philadelphia, Pa 19123
Saturday, June 20th
Baltimore MD
Saturday, July 4th
Foreign Exchange Cafe
658 Whitehall Street (West End)
Atlanta, GA
Shows are being added daily to Wise's promo tour so get at us NOW!!!!
This is the information needed to book Wise Intelligent for interviews, song collaborations, shows and/or lectures…
Date and Time of the event
Venue Location (City/State)
Name and Size of the Venue
How much will be charged at the door?
Other Performers…
Name of Sponsors…
Budget Information…
Date and Time of the Lecture/Panel
Venue Location (City/State)
Name and Size of the Venue
How much will be charged at the door?
Topic of Discussion…
Other Speakers…
Name of Sponsors…
Budget Information…
Song Collaborations
Budget Information…
What will the verse be used for? (album or mixtape)
Topic and or Theme of the song…
Date needed?
What magazine, website, and or blog are you from?
Date and time of the interview
Will it be over the phone, email, or in person? (if in person…where are you located)
Will you need to do a photo shoot or can we submit the pics?
How much time do you need?
When will the interview be published?
Please send all information to Born Free at intelligentmuzik@yahoo.com / 484-472-3745
For tour updates hit up www.intelligentmuzik.com / http://inthehereafter.blogspot.com
Monday, April 20, 2009
INTELLIGENTNEWZNET...U.S. Boycotts U.N. Conference on Racism

U.S. Boycotts U.N. Conference on Racism
WASHINGTON — The Obama administration will boycott "with regret" a U.N. conference on racism next week over objectionable language in the meeting's final document that could single out Israel for criticism and restrict free speech, the State Department said Saturday.
The decision follows weeks of furious internal debate and will likely please Israel and Jewish groups that lobbied against U.S. participation. But the move upset human rights advocates and some in the African-American community who had hoped that President Barack Obama, the nation's first black president, would send an official delegation.
The administration had wanted to attend the April 20-25 meeting in Geneva, although it warned in late February it would not go unless significant changes were made to the draft text.
Some revisions _ including the removal of specific critical references to Israel and problematic passages about the defamation of religion _ were negotiated for which State Department spokesman Robert Wood said the administration was "deeply grateful."
But he said the text retains troubling elements that suggest support for restrictions on free speech and an affirmation of the findings of the first World Conference Against Racism, held in Durban, South Africa, in 2001 that the U.S cannot endorse.
"Unfortunately, it now seems certain these remaining concerns will not be addressed in the document to be adopted by the conference next week," Wood said in a statement. "Therefore, with regret, the United States will not join the review conference."
Despite the decision, he stressed that the United States "is profoundly committed to ending racism and racial discrimination" and "will work with all people and nations to build greater resolve and enduring political will to halt racism and discrimination wherever it occurs."
Concern is high that the meeting may descend into heated debate over Israel that marred the last such gathering eight years ago, especially since Iran's hardline president _ who has called for Israel's destruction _ will attend.
The Durban meeting was dominated by quarrels over the Middle East and the legacy of slavery.
The United States, under the Bush administration, and Israel walked out over attempts to liken Zionism _ the movement to establish a Jewish state in the Holy Land _ to racism. The reference was later dropped, but concerns about anti-Semitism remained in the final text.
Plans to reaffirm the 2001 document were of particular concern to the Obama administration.
"(It) singles out one particular conflict and prejudges key issues that can only be resolved in negotiations between the Israelis and Palestinians," Wood said.
Planning for the upcoming meeting, which is to review progress made in fighting racism since Durban, has been underway for months but was ignored by the Bush administration.
But once Obama took office, his team decided to engage in the process as part of its broader aim of reaching out to the international community. That has included overtures to Iran, Cuba and seeking a seat on the U.N. Human Rights Council, a body the Bush administration shunned.
After sending delegates to a preparatory meeting, the administration announced on Feb. 27 that it would not participate in further planning talks or the conference itself unless the changes were made.
In the weeks that followed, the U.S. pressed its European allies to lobby for an acceptable text and officials had held out hope until earlier this week that the negotiations would produce an acceptable document.
Possible participation by Washington remained on the table, pending the changes, even after it was learned that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad would go.
Pro-Israel groups in the United States vehemently opposed U.S. participation while human rights advocates and organizations like TransAfrica and members of the Congressional Black Caucus thought it was important to attend.
The American Israel Public Affairs Committee applauded Obama's decision to boycott, saying it "underscores America's unstinting commitment to combating intolerance and racism in all its forms and in all settings."
But Rep. Barbara Lee, D-Calif., the chair of the black caucus, said the group was "deeply dismayed."
"This decision is inconsistent with the administration's policy of engaging with those we agree with and those we disagree with," she said. "By boycotting Durban, the U.S. is making it more difficult for it to play a leadership role on U.N. Human Rights Council as it states it plans to do. This is a missed opportunity, plain and simple."
Hours earlier, Human Rights Watch appealed for the U.S. to go, saying it "should stand with the victims of racism."
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Filed by Nick Sabloff
It's NO LONGER Smart to be DUMB!
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