Wise Intelligent on Hip Hop's Poor Righteous Teachers @ The NOI's Saviours' Day 2009 Convention
Wise Intelligent of the legendary Poor Righteous Teachers breaks down the connection between Hip Hop, music culture and the historic struggle for freedom, justice and equality." He made his comments at a Hip Hop forum during the Nation of Islam's Saviours' Day 2009 Convention in Chicago.
The next HEREAFTER concert will be in Philly on Wednesday, March 25th @ Club Fluid on 613 South 4th Street.
The show will feature incredible performances from…
Wise Intelligent of the Legendary Poor Righteous Teachers, The Almighty Twin Poets, Natural Born Leaders, God Head The General, Mo Flex, Kareem, KD Morris, and Nation of Riot.
Date…March 25th
Location…Club Fluid 613 South 4th Street…Philadelphia PA 19107
Time…Doors open promptly at 8:30 pm
If you haven’t seen THE HEREAFTER Video Clip you can check it out here
Here goes a breakdown of just what the HereAfter is all about...
The HEREafter is a Hip Hop meets Spoken Word forum that focuses on a more promising future, i.e, a future shaped and maintained by grassroots activism. Our aim is to motivate the Hip Hop/Spoken Word community to be active participants in bringing about the type of change needed to move the culture, community and country to a HERE after 8 years of rule by fear under the Bush administration, HERE after unfettered greed and corporate profit over people, HERE after substandard public schooling, HERE after racism, sexism, ignorance, violence, and hate, HERE after major record companies, and HERE after mainstream radio and video stations misrepresentation of Hip Hop culture!!!
The next HEREAFTER Live Show will be on March 25, 2009 in Philadelphia @ Club Fluid at 613 South 4th Street. Stay plugged in to and for more information about who will be performing but what I can tell you right now is that this show is shaping up to be the best one yet! Please don’t be the only one in Philly who wasn’t there!!!!
If you want to perform in THE HEREAFTER please contact us NOW! You can reach us at / 484-472-3745
I can guarantee that you’re going to LOVE this show cuz we took everybody on a quick trip thru time and showed and proved exactly what a BALANCED Hip Hop Radio Show should sound like! Plus Djezuz Djonez came thru and spit a few exclusive bars just to keep things nice and lively…
Hit us up at / and let us know what you think about the show. THE HEREAFTER CAN NOT exist without YOU, so we need you to add on and become an ACTIVE citizen in this new world of NO LIMITATIONS…
You can now listen to THE HEREAFTER Radio Show with Wise Intelligent & Narubi Selah every week on WNJC 1360AM