Wilmington, Delaware GET READY!
Wise Intelligent will be in Wilmington, DE on Thursday, Aug 11th @ The Queen Theater
The Queen Theater
500 N. Market Street
Wilmington, Delaware 19801
This show is being brought to you by the Legendary Twin Poets!!!!
Doors open @ 7:00 pm
Show starts promptly @ 8:00 pm
The show is Hosted by TNT (Twins N Tigg)
For more information about Wise Intelligent and to purchase his new album,"The UnConKable Djezuz Djonez and some new Intelligent Gear hit up http://www.wiseintelligent.com
You can follow Wise Intelligent on twitter @ http://twitter.com/wiseintelligent
You can watch all of Wise Intelligent's NEW HIT VIDEO'S at http://www.youtube.com/wiseintelligent
Keep taking and posting your #Reading pics to facebook and twitter...It's working!
It's NO LONGER Smart to be DUMB!