This is the information needed to book Wise Intelligent for interviews, song collaborations, shows and/or lectures…
Date and Time of the event
Venue Location (City/State)
Name and Size of the Venue
How much will be charged at the door?
Other Performers…
Name of Sponsors…
Budget Information…
Date and Time of the Lecture/Panel
Venue Location (City/State)
Name and Size of the Venue
How much will be charged at the door?
Topic of Discussion…
Other Speakers…
Name of Sponsors…
Budget Information…
Song Collaborations
Budget Information…
What will the verse be used for? (album or mixtape)
Topic and or Theme of the song…
Date needed?
What magazine, website, and or blog are you from?
Date and time of the interview
Will it be over the phone, email, or in person? (if in person…where are you located)
Will you need to do a photo shoot or can we submit the pics?
How much time do you need?
When will the interview be published?
"Please send all information to Born Free at intelligentmuzik@yahoo.com / 484-472-3745
"Only serious inquires PLEASE! "
"Thank you for supporting all things INTELLIGENT"